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 Asunto: Diagrama Relay Panel
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 02, 2011 11:30 am 
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Registrado: Mar Oct 03, 2006 7:41 pm
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Ubicación: Guánica,Puerto Rico
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New Beetle:1999 2.0 GLS


Position of Relays on 13 position Relay Carrier
1 - Not used
2 - Rear Lid Remote Control Lock Relay (79) -J398-
3 - Starting Interlock Relay -J207- (185)
Only models with automatic transmission
4 - Fog Lamp Relay -J5- (53)
5 - Not used
6 - Not used
7 - Daytime Running Lamps Change-over Relay -J89- (173)
Only models with daytime running lights
8 - Heated Outside Mirror Relay -J99- (53)
Only models with mechanical window regulator and from June 1999 (model year 2000)
9 - Not used
10 - Third Speed Coolant Fan Control (FC) Relay -J135-
Only models with 1.8L engine, engine codes APH, AWV, AWP
10 - Glow Plug Relay -J52- (180)
Only models with 1.9L engine, engine code ALH
11 - Starter Lock and Back-Up Light Relay -J226- (175)
Only models with automatic transmission
12 - Power Supply Relay (terminal 30) -J317- (109)
Only models with 1.9L engine, engine code ALH
13 - Not used


Relay panel:

Position of Relays on Relay Panel
1 - Dual Horn Relay -J4- (53)
2 - Load Reduction Relay -J59- (100)
3 - Not used
4 - Fuel Pump (FP) Relay -J17- (409)
Models with 1.8L engine, engine codes APH, AWV, AWP
Models with 1.9L engine, engine code ALH
Models with 2.0L engine, engine codes AEG, AVH/AZG
5 - Wiper/Washer Intermittent Relay -J31- (377)

NOTA: Los números en parentesis ( ) indican el número estampado en el relay.

El Relay Panel se encuentra debajo del panel del guia (volante), justo arriba de los pedales. Debe remover tres (3) tornillos Torx T20 identificados como #1 en el diagrama.

Sólo debe remover el protector negro para poder tener acceso.

2002 New Beetle Turbo S

Beetle L4-2.0L (AEG) (2000)

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